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At Sanctuary, we help clients find connection

Sanctuary Christian Counseling Shippensburg PA we help clients find connection

Connection. It’s what life’s all about, isn’t it?

We connect with others – loved ones, friends, business acquaintances, the people at the grocery store.

And when we can’t connect, we panic.

Oh, we may not throw a fit or have a panic attack, but deep inside, the us that craves connection worries when we don’t have it and fears we’ll never get it again.

It’s truly that important.

We were created to have connection, with others, and with our Creator. It’s just a part of our makeup.

And it’s one of the most important things we help our clients heal at Sanctuary Christian Counseling.

We help grieving individuals, distressed teens and couples in conflict find peace, solutions and connection.

Some of the ways we do this include:

*relational therapy that includes an emphasis on teamwork;

*integrative interventions designed to help individuals, couples and families figure out our complex media world and the ways they can maintain connection within it, still remaining in the 21st century but having old-fashioned relationships;

*family therapy designed to get families talking to each other in new and fresh ways;

*we help distressed teen find new ways to communicate and connect with their families, even in the midst of growing pains;

*premarital therapy that connects new couples and gets them off on the right foot towards a lifetime of closeness;

*grieving individuals discover new connections and possibilities while on their healing journey; and

*we emphasize relationships and connection even in one-on-one counseling.

We are connection-minded in everything we do! We hope you are, too, but if that’s an area of struggle for you, give us a call.

At Sanctuary Christian Counseling we help grieving individuals, distressed teens and couples in conflict find peace, solutions and connection.

Let us help you connect.

Sanctuary Christian Counseling

9974 Molly Pitcher Highway, Suite 4

Shippensburg, PA 17257


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