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Therapy for Therapists

We make it easy for therapists to stay healthy

We’ve all been there. Our client load is such that we just don’t have time for ourselves. We focus on helping others and forget that sometimes we need help, too. Sometimes we just need to talk with someone who understands us – not just personally, but also professionally.


I know this because I’ve lived it myself.


Like you, I’m a therapist, and like you, I’ve been to that place of burnout or near burnout – of sometimes just mechanically going through the days, counting down to the weekend, a vacation, retirement.


It isn’t pretty sometimes.


I can help you by giving you a listening ear … someone whose been in your chair, dealt with the same kinds of things you deal with and seen the same kinds of stress you live with every day.


Therapy for Therapists can help.

Email me at

I can't wait to hear from you!

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