Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Seven ways to maximize your marriage therapy
Don’t let anyone fool you. Marriage is HARD. It just is. It takes so much commitment, grace, love, forgiveness, understanding, mercy and...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Things couples say that show they need marriage therapy
Couples often experience challenges in their relationships. It is normal to argue or disagree, but when problems become recurrent, they...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
What is therapy really like for the client?
Each and every client we have at Sanctuary Christian Counseling has one thing in common. At some point, they got up the courage to...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
How to survive - and thrive! - during the holidays
Is it the most wonderful time of the year? November and December are interesting months – depending on your perspective and...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Fall ... ing into better mental health
I love the ads that have parents singing "It's the most wonderful time of the year" as they prepare for their kids return to the...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
December ... not just the pretty holidays
Unwrapping the lessons of 2021 to see what gifts might be in store for 2022.
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Adjusting to the new normal: COVID, vaccines, and a virtual ride
Our nation seems to be in a race between getting vaccines in as many of us as possible – the iconic “shots in arms” everyone is talking...
Jennie Sheffe, Marriage and Family Therapist
From clutter to clarity
I love a decorated home but finding the motivation to get the Christmas decorations out was overwhelming for me this year. During the...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
I love online therapy!
Pretty early on in the pandemic, I decided that online therapy – sometimes called telemental health or virtual therapy – was the wave of the
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Hitting the wall of overwhelm
I’ve been really irritable lately, and that’s not really like me. Oh, I certainly can be annoying to those who live with me (and manage...