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"Building Beautiful"

Building Beautiful logo from Sanctuary Christian Counseling in Shippensburg PA

I hope you all have had an enjoyable summer full of many opportunities to relax with family and friends and have been able to take some time to practice some self-love and self-care.

This week marks the beginning of a new school year for many students. This can be both exciting and anxiety provoking. I have fond memories of new beginnings as a student, however, I can still resonate with the anxieties that accompany a new school year- new classes, uncertainties of who I would know in those classes, and the fear of making new friends and “fitting in”. This can be daunting at any age, but it can be particularly difficult for adolescents as they navigate the complexities of cultivating their individuality and gaining independence while also still trying to connect with peers and family.

With the explosion of social media, there are enormous additional pressures on teens that didn't exist a generation ago. As a society, we are beginning to see the impact this can have on self-esteem.

From cyber-bullying to constant selfies that promote self-worth based on external beauty, there is a silent war on our children’s self-esteem taking place that is difficult for them to escape. Over time, this can create a false or damaging sense of self-worth and can also increase the likelihood for depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues to occur.

At Sanctuary Christian Counseling, we are passionate about helping all of those who struggle with this issue. If you or someone you know is struggling with self-esteem issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Beginning September 18, 2018, we will be starting a counseling group for adolescent girls titled “Building Beautiful”. The fee for this group is $120 for eight weeks. You will need to register for the group by September 7th at You can also email Andrea with questions.

As a group, we will tackle the difficult issues that adolescent girls face in today’s technological world. We will focus on developing a positive sense of self and build each other up through love and acceptance by recognizing each other’s gifts and talents. If this group would be helpful for you or someone you know, please let us know, we are here to help.

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